Source code for gazar.grid

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  gazar.grid
#  Author : Alan D Snow, 2017.
#  License: BSD 3-Clause

"""gazar.grid docstring
This module is a collection of GDAL functions and tools for grids.
Documentation can be found at `_gazar Documentation HOWTO`_.

.. _gazar Documentation HOWTO:

# default modules
from csv import writer as csv_writer
# external modules
from affine import Affine
from mapkit import lookupSpatialReferenceID
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal, gdalconst, osr
from pyproj import Proj, transform
import utm


[docs]def utm_proj_from_latlon(latitude, longitude, as_wkt=False, as_osr=False): """ Returns UTM projection information from a latitude, longitude corrdinate pair. Parameters ---------- latitude : float The center latitude. longitude: float The center longitude. as_wkt: bool, optional If True, will return the WKT projection string. as_osr: bool, optional If True, will return the :func:`osr.SpatialReference` object. Returns ------- :obj:`str` or :func:`osr.SpatialReference` Defaults to the proj.4 string. """ # get utm coordinates utm_centroid_info = utm.from_latlon(latitude, longitude) zone_number, zone_letter = utm_centroid_info[2:] # METHOD USING SetUTM. Not sure if better/worse sp_ref = osr.SpatialReference() south_string = '' if zone_letter < 'N': south_string = ', +south' proj4_utm_string = ('+proj=utm +zone={zone_number}{zone_letter}' '{south_string} +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 ' '+units=m +no_defs')\ .format(zone_number=abs(zone_number), zone_letter=zone_letter, south_string=south_string) ret_val = sp_ref.ImportFromProj4(proj4_utm_string) if ret_val == 0: north_zone = True if zone_letter < 'N': north_zone = False sp_ref.SetUTM(abs(zone_number), north_zone) sp_ref.AutoIdentifyEPSG() if as_osr: return sp_ref elif as_wkt: return sp_ref.ExportToWkt() return sp_ref.ExportToProj4()
def project_to_geographic(x_coord, y_coord, osr_projetion): """Project point to EPSG:4326 Parameters ---------- x_coord : float The point x-coordinate. y_coord: float The point y-coordinate. osr_projetion: :func:`osr.SpatialReference` The projection for the point. Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` The projected point coordinates. (x_coord, y_coord) """ # Make sure projected into global projection sp_ref = osr.SpatialReference() sp_ref.ImportFromEPSG(4326) trans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(osr_projetion, sp_ref) return trans.TransformPoint(x_coord, y_coord)[:2]
[docs]class GDALGrid(object): """ Wrapper for :func:`gdal.Dataset` with :func:`osr.SpatialReference` object. Parameters ---------- grid_file : :obj: str` or :func:`gdal.Dataset` The grid file to be wrapped. prj_file : :obj:`str`, optional Path to projection file. """ def __init__(self, grid_file, prj_file=None): if isinstance(grid_file, gdal.Dataset): self.dataset = grid_file else: self.dataset = gdal.Open(grid_file, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) # set projection object if prj_file is not None: self.projection = osr.SpatialReference() with open(prj_file) as pro_file: self.projection.ImportFromWkt( else: self.projection = osr.SpatialReference() self.projection.ImportFromWkt(self.dataset.GetProjection()) # identify EPSG code where applicable self.projection.AutoIdentifyEPSG() # set affine from geotransform self.affine = Affine.from_gdal(*self.dataset.GetGeoTransform()) @property def geotransform(self): """:obj:`tuple`: The geotransform for the dataset.""" return self.dataset.GetGeoTransform() @property def x_size(self): """int: size of x dimensions""" return self.dataset.RasterXSize @property def y_size(self): """int: size of y dimensions""" return self.dataset.RasterYSize @property def num_bands(self): """int: number of bands in raster""" return self.dataset.RasterCount @property def wkt(self): """:obj:`str`:WKT projection string""" return self.projection.ExportToWkt() @property def proj4(self): """:obj:`str`:proj4 string""" return self.projection.ExportToProj4() @property def proj(self): """func:`pyproj.Proj`: Proj4 object""" return Proj(self.proj4) @property def epsg(self): """:obj:`str`: EPSG code""" epsg = self.projection.GetAuthorityCode(None) if epsg: return epsg # attempt online lookup return lookupSpatialReferenceID(self.wkt)
[docs] def bounds(self, as_geographic=False, as_utm=False, as_projection=None): """Returns bounding coordinates for the dataset. Parameters ---------- as_geographic : bool, optional If True, this will return the bounds in EPSG:4326. Default is False. as_utm: bool, optional If True, it will attempt to find the UTM zone and will return bounds in that UTM zone. as_projection: :func:`osr.SpatialReference`, optional Output projection for bounds. Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) Bounds for the grid in the format """ new_proj = None x_min, y_min = self.affine * (0, self.dataset.RasterYSize) x_max, y_max = self.affine * (self.dataset.RasterXSize, 0) if as_geographic: new_proj = osr.SpatialReference() new_proj.ImportFromEPSG(4326) elif as_utm: lon_min, lat_max = project_to_geographic(x_min, y_max, self.projection) lon_max, lat_min = project_to_geographic(x_max, y_min, self.projection) # convert to UTM new_proj = utm_proj_from_latlon((lat_min + lat_max) / 2.0, (lon_min + lon_max) / 2.0, as_osr=True) elif as_projection: new_proj = as_projection if new_proj is not None: ggrid = self.to_projection(new_proj) return ggrid.bounds() return x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max
[docs] def pixel2coord(self, col, row): """Returns global coordinates to pixel center using base-0 raster index. Parameters ---------- col: int The 0-based column index. row: int The 0-based row index. Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` (x_coord, y_coord) - The x, y coordinate of the pixel center in the dataset's projection. """ if col >= self.x_size: raise IndexError("Column index out of bounds...") if row >= self.y_size: raise IndexError("Row index is out of bounds ...") return self.affine * (col + 0.5, row + 0.5)
[docs] def coord2pixel(self, x_coord, y_coord): """Returns base-0 raster index using global coordinates to pixel center Parameters ---------- x_coord: float The projected x coordinate of the cell center. y_coord: float The projected y coordinate of the cell center. Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` (col, row) - The 0-based column and row index of the pixel. """ col, row = ~self.affine * (x_coord, y_coord) if col > self.x_size or col < 0: raise IndexError("Longitude {0} is out of bounds ..." .format(x_coord)) if row > self.y_size or row < 0: raise IndexError("Latitude {0} is out of bounds ..." .format(y_coord)) return int(col), int(row)
[docs] def pixel2lonlat(self, col, row): """Returns latitude and longitude to pixel center using base-0 raster index Parameters ---------- col: int The 0-based column index. row: int The 0-based row index. Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` (longitude, latitude) - The lat, lon of the pixel center in the dataset's projection. """ x_coord, y_coord = self.pixel2coord(col, row) longitude, latitude = project_to_geographic(x_coord, y_coord, self.projection) return longitude, latitude
[docs] def lonlat2pixel(self, longitude, latitude): """Returns base-0 raster index using longitude and latitude of pixel center Parameters ---------- longitude: float The longitude of the cell center. latitude: float The latitude of the cell center. Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` (col, row) - The 0-based column and row index of the pixel. """ sp_ref = osr.SpatialReference() sp_ref.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # geographic transx = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sp_ref, self.projection) x_coord, y_coord = transx.TransformPoint(longitude, latitude)[:2] return self.coord2pixel(x_coord, y_coord)
@property def coords(self): """Returns x and y coordinate arrays representing the grid. Returns ------- y_coords: :func:`numpy.array` The Y coordinate array. x_coords: :func:`numpy.array` The X coordinate array. """ y_coords = np.zeros((self.y_size, self.x_size)) x_coords = np.zeros((self.y_size, self.x_size)) for xii in range(self.x_size): for yii in range(self.y_size): x_coords[yii, xii], y_coords[yii, xii] = \ self.pixel2coord(xii, yii) return y_coords, x_coords @property def latlon(self): """Returns latitude and longitude arrays representing the grid. Returns ------- proj_lats: :func:`numpy.array` The latitude array. proj_lons: :func:`numpy.array` The longitude array. """ y_coords, x_coords = self.coords proj_lons, proj_lats = transform(self.proj, Proj(init='epsg:4326'), x_coords, y_coords) return proj_lats, proj_lons
[docs] def np_array(self, band=1, masked=True): """Returns the raster band as a numpy array. Parameters ---------- band: obj:`int`, optional Band number (1-based). Default is 1. If 'all', it will return all of the data as a 3D array. masked: bool, optional If True, will return the array masked with the NoData value. Default is True. Returns ------- :func:`numpy.array` or :func:`` """ if band == 'all': grid_data = self.dataset.ReadAsArray() else: raster_band = self.dataset.GetRasterBand(band) grid_data = raster_band.ReadAsArray() nodata_value = raster_band.GetNoDataValue() if nodata_value is not None and masked: return, mask=(grid_data == nodata_value)) return np.array(grid_data)
[docs] def get_val(self, x_pixel, y_pixel, band=1): """Returns value of raster Parameters ---------- x_pixel: int X pixel location (0-based). y_pixel: int Y pixel location (0-based). band: int, optional Band number (1-based). Default is 1. Returns ------- object dtype """ return self.dataset.GetRasterBand(band)\ .ReadAsArray(x_pixel, y_pixel, 1, 1)[0][0]
[docs] def get_val_latlon(self, longitude, latitude, band=1): """Returns value of raster from a latitude and longitude point. Parameters ---------- longitude: float The longitude of the cell center. latitude: float The latitude of the cell center. band: int, optional Band number (1-based). Default is 1. Returns ------- object dtype """ x_pixel, y_pixel = self.lonlat2pixel(longitude, latitude) return self.get_val(x_pixel, y_pixel, band)
[docs] def get_val_coord(self, x_coord, y_coord, band=1): """Returns value of raster from a projected coordinate point. Parameters ---------- x_coord: float The projected x coordinate of the cell center. y_coord: float The projected y coordinate of the cell center. band: int, optional Band number (1-based). Default is 1. Returns ------- object dtype """ x_pixel, y_pixel = self.coord2pixel(x_coord, y_coord) return self.get_val(x_pixel, y_pixel, band)
[docs] def write_prj(self, out_projection_file, esri_format=False): """Writes projection file. Parameters ---------- out_projection_file: :obj:`str` Output path for file. esri_format: bool, optional If True, it will convert the projection string to the Esri format. Default is False. """ if esri_format: self.projection.MorphToESRI() with open(out_projection_file, 'w') as prj_file: prj_file.write(self.wkt) prj_file.close()
[docs] def to_projection(self, dst_proj, resampling=gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour): """Reproject dataset to new projection. Parameters ---------- dst_proj: :func:`osr.SpatialReference` Output projection. Returns ------- :func:`~GDALGrid` """ return gdal_reproject(self.dataset, src_srs=self.projection, dst_srs=dst_proj, resampling=resampling, as_gdal_grid=True)
[docs] def to_tif(self, file_path): """Write out as geotiff. Parameters ---------- file_path: :obj:`str` Output path for file. """ drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') drv.CreateCopy(file_path, self.dataset)
def _to_ascii(self, header_string, file_path, band, print_nodata=True): """Writes data to ascii file""" if print_nodata: nodata_value = self.dataset.GetRasterBand(band).GetNoDataValue() if nodata_value is not None: header_string += "NODATA_value {0}\n".format(nodata_value) with open(file_path, 'w') as out_ascii_grid: out_ascii_grid.write(header_string) grid_writer = csv_writer(out_ascii_grid, delimiter=" ") grid_writer.writerows(self.np_array(band, masked=False))
[docs] def to_grass_ascii(self, file_path, band=1, print_nodata=True): """Writes data to GRASS ASCII file format. Parameters ---------- file_path: :obj:`str` Path to output ascii file. band: obj:`int`, optional Band number (1-based). Default is 1. print_nodata: bool, optional If True, it will write out the NoData value for the raster band. Default is False. """ # PART 1: HEADER # get data extremes west_bound, east_bound, south_bound, north_bound = self.bounds() header_string = u"north: {0:.9f}\n".format(north_bound) header_string += "south: {0:.9f}\n".format(south_bound) header_string += "east: {0:.9f}\n".format(east_bound) header_string += "west: {0:.9f}\n".format(west_bound) header_string += "rows: {0}\n".format(self.y_size) header_string += "cols: {0}\n".format(self.x_size) # PART 2: WRITE DATA self._to_ascii(header_string, file_path, band, print_nodata)
[docs] def to_arc_ascii(self, file_path, band=1, print_nodata=True): """Writes data to Arc ASCII file format. Parameters ---------- file_path: :obj:`str` Path to output ascii file. band: obj:`int`, optional Band number (1-based). Default is 1. print_nodata: bool, optional If True, it will write out the NoData value for the raster band. Default is False. """ # PART 1: HEADER # get data extremes bounds = self.bounds() west_bound = bounds[0] south_bound = bounds[2] cellsize = (self.geotransform[1] - self.geotransform[-1]) / 2.0 header_string = u"ncols {0}\n".format(self.x_size) header_string += "nrows {0}\n".format(self.y_size) header_string += "xllcorner {0}\n".format(west_bound) header_string += "yllcorner {0}\n".format(south_bound) header_string += "cellsize {0}\n".format(cellsize) # PART 2: WRITE DATA self._to_ascii(header_string, file_path, band, print_nodata)
[docs]class ArrayGrid(GDALGrid): """ Loads :func:`numpy.array` into a :func:`~GDALGrid`. Parameters ---------- in_array : :func:`numpy.array` 2D or 3D array of data. wkt_projection : :obj:`str` WKT projection string. geotransform: :obj:`tuple` Geotransform for array. gdal_dtype: :func:`gdalconst`, optional The data type of the `in_array` for GDAL. Default is `gdalconst.GDT_Float32`. nodata_value: int or float, optional The value used in the grid for NoData. Default is None. """ def __init__(self, in_array, wkt_projection, geotransform, gdal_dtype=gdalconst.GDT_Float32, nodata_value=None): num_bands = 1 if in_array.ndim == 3: num_bands, y_size, x_size = in_array.shape else: y_size, x_size = in_array.shape dataset = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create("tmp_ras", x_size, y_size, num_bands, gdal_dtype) dataset.SetGeoTransform(geotransform) dataset.SetProjection(wkt_projection) if in_array.ndim == 3: for band in range(1, num_bands + 1): rband = dataset.GetRasterBand(band) rband.WriteArray(in_array[band - 1]) if nodata_value is not None: rband.SetNoDataValue(nodata_value) else: rband = dataset.GetRasterBand(1) rband.WriteArray(in_array) if nodata_value is not None: rband.SetNoDataValue(nodata_value) super(ArrayGrid, self).__init__(dataset)
[docs]def geotransform_from_yx(y_arr, x_arr, y_cell_size=None, x_cell_size=None): """ Calculates geotransform from arrays of y and x coords. Assumes Y max and X min are at [0,0]. Parameters ---------- y_arr: :func:`numpy.array` Array of latitudes or y coordinates. x_arr: :func:`numpy.array` Array of longitudes or x coordinates. y_cell_size: :obj:`float`, optional Y cell size in projected coordinates. x_cell_size: :obj:`float`, optional X cell size from projected coordinates. Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` geotransform: (x_min, x_cell_size, x_skew, y_max, y_skew, -y_cell_size) """ if y_arr.ndim < 2: x_2d, y_2d = np.meshgrid(x_arr, y_arr) else: x_2d = x_arr y_2d = y_arr # get cell size if x_cell_size is None: x_cell_size = np.nanmean(np.absolute(np.diff(x_2d, axis=1))) if y_cell_size is None: y_cell_size = np.nanmean(np.absolute(np.diff(y_2d, axis=0))) # get top left corner min_x_tl = x_2d[0, 0] - x_cell_size / 2.0 max_y_tl = y_2d[0, 0] + y_cell_size / 2.0 return min_x_tl, x_cell_size, 0, max_y_tl, 0, -y_cell_size
def load_raster(grid): """ Load in a raster as a :func:`~GDALGrid`. Parameters ---------- grid: :obj:`str` or :func:`gdal.Dataset` or :func:`~GDALGrid` The raster to be loaded in. Returns ------- :func:`~GDALGrid` """ if isinstance(grid, gdal.Dataset): src = grid src_proj = src.GetProjection() elif isinstance(grid, GDALGrid): src = grid.dataset src_proj = grid.wkt else: src = gdal.Open(grid, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) src_proj = src.GetProjection() return src, src_proj
[docs]def resample_grid(original_grid, match_grid, to_file=False, output_datatype=None, resample_method=gdalconst.GRA_Average, as_gdal_grid=False): """ This function resamples a grid and outputs the result to a file. Based on: resample-a-grid-to-match-another-grid-with-gdal-python Parameters ---------- original_grid: :obj:`str` or :func:`gdal.Dataset` or :func:`~GDALGrid` The original grid dataset. match_grid: :obj:`str` or :func:`gdal.Dataset` or :func:`~GDALGrid` The grid to match. to_file: :obj:`str` or bool, optional Default is False, which returns an in memory grid. If :obj:`str`, it writes to file. output_datatype: :func:`osgeo.gdalconst`, optional A valid datatype from gdalconst (Ex. gdalconst.GDT_Float32). resample_method: :func:`osgeo.gdalconst`, optional A valid resample method from gdalconst. Default is gdalconst.GRA_Average. as_gdal_grid: bool, optional Return as :func:`~GDALGrid`. Default is False. Returns ------- None or :func:`gdal.Dataset` or :func:`~GDALGrid` If `to_file` is a :obj:`str`, then it returns None. Otherwise, if `to_file` is False then it returns a :func:`gdal.Dataset` unless `as_gdal_grid` is True. Then, it returns :func:`~GDALGrid`. """ # Source of the data src, src_proj = load_raster(original_grid) # ensure output datatype is set if output_datatype is None: output_datatype = src.GetRasterBand(1).DataType # Grid to use to extract subset and match match_ds, match_proj = load_raster(match_grid) match_geotrans = match_ds.GetGeoTransform() if not to_file: # in memory raster dst_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') dst_path = "" else: # geotiff dst_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') dst_path = to_file dst = dst_driver.Create(dst_path, match_ds.RasterXSize, match_ds.RasterYSize, src.RasterCount, output_datatype) dst.SetGeoTransform(match_geotrans) dst.SetProjection(match_proj) for band_i in range(1, dst.RasterCount + 1): nodata_value = src.GetRasterBand(band_i).GetNoDataValue() if not nodata_value: nodata_value = -9999 dst.GetRasterBand(band_i).SetNoDataValue(nodata_value) # extract subset and resample grid gdal.ReprojectImage(src, dst, src_proj, match_proj, resample_method) if not to_file: if as_gdal_grid: return GDALGrid(dst) return dst del dst
[docs]def gdal_reproject(src, dst=None, src_srs=None, dst_srs=None, epsg=None, error_threshold=0.125, resampling=gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour, as_gdal_grid=False): """ Reproject a raster image. Based on: gaia/blob/master/gaia/geo/ Parameters ---------- src: :obj:`str` or :func:`gdal.Dataset` or :func:`~GDALGrid` The source image. dst: :obj:`str`, optional The filepath of the output image to write to. src_srs: :func:`osr.SpatialReference`, optional The source image projection. dst_srs: :func:`osr.SpatialReference`, optional The destination projection. If not provided, the code will use `epsg`. epsg: int, optional The EPSG code to reproject to. If not provided, the code will use `dst_srs`. error_threshold: float, optional Default is 0.125 (same as gdalwarp commandline). resampling: :func:`osgeo.gdalconst` Method to use for resampling. Default method is `gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour`. as_gdal_grid: bool, optional Return as :func:`~GDALGrid`. Default is False. Returns ------- :func:`gdal.Dataset` or :func:`~GDALGrid` By default, it returns `gdal.Dataset`. It will return :func:`~GDALGrid` if `as_gdal_grid` is True. """ # Open source dataset src_ds = load_raster(src)[0] # Define target SRS if dst_srs is None: dst_srs = osr.SpatialReference() dst_srs.ImportFromEPSG(int(epsg)) dst_wkt = dst_srs.ExportToWkt() # Resampling might be passed as a string if not isinstance(resampling, int): resampling = getattr(gdal, resampling) src_wkt = None if src_srs is not None: src_wkt = src_srs.ExportToWkt() # Call AutoCreateWarpedVRT() to fetch default values # for target raster dimensions and geotransform reprojected_ds = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(src_ds, src_wkt, dst_wkt, resampling, error_threshold) # Create the final warped raster if dst: gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').CreateCopy(dst, reprojected_ds) if as_gdal_grid: return GDALGrid(reprojected_ds) return reprojected_ds